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October 2-6

We have just 1 week left before fall break. It sure felt like fall with the cooler weather and rain this week. We do go outside in all kinds of weather. Please be sure to send your child prepared with proper shoes, hats, coats and gloves.

Every Friday at 9:50am, kindergarten has the opportunity to participate in Running Club. We had 100% participation this week! It is optional, but we encourage all to participate, even if it is walking. The main goal is to promote healthy living habits. If you ever would like run with your student, you are welcome to join us at this time!

Introducing Healthy Food Fridays! As you know, good nutrition promotes a healthy immune system. The more times children are exposed to healthy foods, the more likely they are to eat them. Starting on Friday, October 6th, we will begin showcasing healthy foods. I am asking for families to volunteer to bring in a fruit or vegetable to share with the class (24 kids). It can be ordinary fruits or veggies they are familiar with (bananas, carrots, etc.) or it can be something out of the ordinary or something they are not exposed to every day.(purple carrots, papaya, etc.) Please send your item ready to serve.

Click the link below to sign-up:

Fall conferences will be Monday, November 6th to Wednesday, November, 8th. We will have 20 minutes to discuss your student's progress and set goals for the rest of the year.

Please click the link below to sign-up:

School Picture Info

Please navigate to, and order using the unique order code on your student's proof sheet no later than Friday October 6th. If you prefer to order using a check or cash, please send back your payment and order form no later than Friday October 6th. If you have already placed an online order using the code sent home in Thursday folders in the last weeks, then your picture order is already being processed by DR Photo.

If you have questions about your child's photo, or the ordering process, please reach out to DR directly at 303-346-2772



This past week we met Doc. Doc loves to "dibble and dabble" as you hear in the song. She fixes broken toys and creates new inventions. We will finish Doc, Unit 5 in Meet the Superkids before beak. Objectives for this unit:

  • Phonemic Awareness and Phonics: Dd /d/

  • Handwriting and Spelling: Form Dd, Encode D and d for /d/

  • Comprehension: Visualize a story, determine cause/effect, compare and contrast

  • Fluency: Speak as a story character, speak with expression

  • Vocabulary and Grammar: Inventions, names of toys, building things

  • Writing: Brainstorm topics, draw and tell a story in 2 parts, create a cover page and label

  • Lasting Lesson: Valuing simple things



Although students are learning new math concepts, they are getting TONS of practice and repetition in counting, number recognition, writing and foundational math skills. You may be looking at some of the classwork coming home and see that the skills aren't always mastered each lesson. Please do not worry! They are not mean to be mastered in one lesson, but they are getting tons of practice in a variety of ways to help them work towards mastery.

Upcoming math objectives:

  • Organize and count 9 varied geometric objects in linear and array (3 threes) configurations. Place objects on 5- group dot mat. Match with numeral 9.

  • Strategize to count 9 objects in circular (around a paper plate) and scattered configurations printed on paper. Write numeral 9. Represent a path through the scatter count with pencil. Number each object.

  • Count 10 objects in linear and array configurations (5 and 5). Match with numeral 10. Place on the 5-group dot mat. Dialogue about 9 and 10 on the mat. Write numeral 10.

  • Count 10 objects and move between all configurations.

  • Order and match numeral and dot cards from 1 to 10. State 1 more than a given number.

  • Exploration: Make math stairs from 1 to 10 in cooperative groups.

Here is an example of our "problem of the day" we do as a class in our morning meeting or in our problems sets during small group:

What you can do to help at home:

  • Practice counting objects with your child using one-to-one correspondence. (Touch the object as you count each object)

  • Practice writing numerals 0 – 10.

  • Once they can count objects correctly, ask them what 1 more would be.


Social Studies

Douglas County School District has created a Student Wellness and Prevention Framework to proactively teach our students social-emotional skills.

Each month we will have a different area of focus. Please know that each topic will be developmentally appropriate for each grade level. The idea is to educate to prevent some social problems students encounter throughout their school career.

Please click the link below to the introduction:

Info on how Safe2Tell will be presented click Safe2Tell

On Friday, we have our first TRACKS assembly at 3:05. We will be introducing new and exciting events for the upcoming year.


Science/Outdoor Learning

After finishing up our 5 Senses Unit, we will spend this week exploring the changing season. There are many fun leaf activities planned for this upcoming week including a leaf hunt on Thursday.


From the Mouths of Babes...

As we walk back from the library, the students are always excited to show me the books they check out. They hold up their books and I read the titles as they put them in the book bin. As a student walked by, I read aloud the title of his book, Diary of a Fly. A few students down the line and a little boy curiously peered into the book bin and ask, "Can I see the diarrhea book?"

Could I compose myself?? Try saying Diary of a Fly 5 times as fast as you can!


Upcoming Dates

  • Friday, October 6-Picture Orders Due (order online or send form to school)

  • Friday, October 6-Scholastic Book Order Due

  • Friday, October 6- Field Trip Forms and Payment Due

  • Monday, October 9 - Friday, October 13- Fall Break

  • Friday, October 20 - Field trip to Lowell Ranch

  • Saturday, October 28th - Fall Festival

  • Tuesday, November 7th-No School (Conferences will begin at 1:00pm this day)

  • Monday, November 6th-Wednesday, November 8th-Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • Friday, November 10th- Veteran's Day Celebration at 9:30am

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